Everything you need to know about residence permit renewal. Learn now!

If you have a residence permit in Turkey that is about to expire, you’ll need to renew it to avoid any legal issues. Residence permit renewal. Previously, renewing a residence permit in Turkey required visiting the local Foreigners’ Office in person. However, in recent years, the Turkish government has made it possible to renew your residence permit online. In this article, we’ll explore the process of renewing a Turkish residence permit online.

What are the steps of residence permit renewal?

Residence permit renewal

Before renewing your Turkish residence permit online, you’ll need to determine the type of permit you have. There are different types of residence permits in Turkey, including short-term, family, student, long-term, and humanitarian residence permits. Each type of permit has its own requirements and restrictions.

You’ll need to check the expiry date of your Turkish residence permit to know when to renew it. It’s advisable to start the renewal process at least 60 days before your permit expires to allow for any processing delays. To renew your Turkish residence permit online, you’ll need to create an account on the E-Devlet website. This website is available in both Turkish and English.

Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to log in to the E-Devlet website using your Turkish identification number and password. Once you’ve logged in to the E-Devlet website, select the “Yabancılar” (Immigration) tab. Select the Residence Permit Renewal Option

Under the “Yabancılar” tab, select the “İkamet İşlemleri” (Residence Permit Procedures) option. Then, select the “İkamet İznini Yenileme” (Renew Residence Permit) option. You’ll need to review and update your personal information, such as your address and contact information. You’ll also need to provide information about your stay in Turkey, including the purpose of your visit and the length of your stay.

After updating your information, you’ll need to pay the renewal fee. The fee varies depending on the type of residence permit you have.In some cases, you may need to upload additional documents to support your renewal application. These documents may include proof of financial means, health insurance, and other relevant documents related to your specific permit type.

Wait for the Application Decision

After submitting your renewal application, you’ll need to wait for the decision. The Turkish government will review your application and notify you of the decision via email. If your renewal application is approved, you’ll receive a new residence permit card that you can collect in person at the local Foreigners’ Office. In conclusion, renewing your Turkish residence permit online is a convenient and straightforward process. By following the steps outlined above, you can renew your residence permit without leaving your home. However, it’s essential to make sure you meet the requirements and provide all the necessary documents to avoid any delays or rejection of your application. With a valid residence permit, you can continue to enjoy your stay in Turkey without any legal issues.